May 12, 2020
We all like to share things we enjoy or love, right? Whether it’s a favorite food or show, you can’t help but let everyone know. Sharing your business is no exception. The products or services you’re sharing are the best on the market and have improved your life. Because of that, you want to let others know so they can have the same experience. But that doesn't mean it’s always easy!
There can be many reasons why sharing your business may be difficult, but today I’m going to provide some tips that may make sharing a little easier.
When you’re sharing your business, you’re in essence sharing yourself. What you’re talking about is real, so it’s important for you to be real as well. Don’t try to be someone you’re not because people will notice. If you’re not a salesperson, don’t be a salesperson. Be a friend and speak from experience. People will appreciate your authenticity. Trust me.
It’s important to speak clearly and honestly about what you’re sharing. It helps no one if you embellish or flat out lie. Do your research and share all you know about the effectiveness of your service or product. And if you do get a question you don’t know the answer to, don’t sweat it! Just let them know you will look into it and get back to them. Others will notice your integrity and commitment to quality.
While you may have extensive knowledge of the subject matter, that doesn’t mean that everyone else does. When sharing the details about your business, be thorough but don’t overwhelm them. Give them a brief overview, then provide them with literature or hands on experience so they can learn it at their own pace. You wouldn’t give a newborn steak and potatoes for dinner, so why would you dump a whole company’s worth of information on a person all at once?
It’s important to believe in what you’re sharing, because if you don’t, why share it at all? You want to be confident and stand behind your business. This comes from your own personal experience using the product or service and increases with each person you talk to about it. Sure, sharing means you have to get out of your comfort zone a little, but what you have can be life changing and you don’t want to keep that to yourself. Share with as many people as possible and over time, you’ll see that it becomes easier.
That said, it’s important to not be overbearing. If someone doesn’t want to hear about it, that’s alright. Don’t push the matter. The last thing you want to do is offend and alienate people. Your relationship with others is still the most valuable thing you have.
Sometimes it may feel like no one wants to hear about your business. This happens, but take it in stride. Rejection comes when you’re trying to build a business, but the important thing is to never give up. Think of everything that we wouldn’t have if the people that created the world around us had given up. Think about where you would be if you gave up in life. Adversity makes us stronger and forces us to think outside the box. So, take rejection as a growing opportunity and move forward.
Whatever you’re trying to share, I hope these brief tips can help in some way. I’ve applied these tips when I talk to others about my businesses and I’ve had first-hand experience of their effectiveness.