October 4, 2020
This year has had no shortages for disasters. And while some disasters are easier to recover from, others are a bit harder. One such disaster that can be devastating is an earthquake. Earthquakes are nearly impossible to predict and can destroy everything you’ve worked hard for in an instant. Earlier this year, a series of earthquakes struck near my home and it motivated me to look into earthquake insurance. Luckily, companies like today’s business spotlight, specialize in just that.
It’s always important to be prepared for any situation, and that’s where insurance comes in. We have insurance for so many other things so why not earthquakes? Especially when you’re in an area that’s prone to having them. Jumpstart is an insurance broker that was started by Kate Stillwell in an effort to help individuals rebound after a natural disaster such as an earthquake. Policy holders are offered a lump sum in the event of an earthquake to help them recover and they can see payment within just a few days.
Simply put, Jumpstart gives you peace of mind and helps you get back on your feet after an earthquake. They make sure you get the money you need to cover immediate expenses so you can get back on your feet. Policy holders pay a low monthly cost in premiums and Jumpstart is always ready to help in case of emergency. In fact, if there is an earthquake Jumpstart will text their policy holders asking if there was any damage to their property and after a quick assessment, the policy holder will receive a payment in just a few days. Talk about being proactive! How many insurance companies will do that?
Jumpstart also uses data from the United States Geological Survey to determine payment eligibility. After all, we all don’t live in seismically active areas, and some areas that do have earthquakes aren’t as bad as others. It’s nice that they take that into consideration.
What’s great about the lump sum payment is that it can be used for any quake-related expenses (excluding losses covered by other insurance and losses due to bodily harm). Those expenses include living expenses, broken items, moving costs, child/elder care, and home repairs.
Right now Jumpstart is available in California but they have plans to expand to other areas in the United states.
If you live in California, I recommend going with Jumpstart. They will give you the peace of mind you need and it’s super easy to sign up. You can apply for a policy directly from their website and start paying your monthly premiums based on your location. Jumpstart is great way to make sure you and your family are covered in case of an intense earthquake. To learn more about Jumpstart, click here.