May 24, 2020
I’ve always been a fan of electric vehicles. Not only are they good for the environment, but they are more economical in the long run for consumers. The electric vehicle industry has come a long way as well; advancements in the industry have led to more efficient batteries, more affordable options, and an increase in charging stations. But I was absolutely blown away when I learned about what Aptera Motors has been working on!
While Aptera Motors may seem like any other electric car company, they are anything but! Not only are they dedicated to creating fuel-efficient cars that are comfortable, safe, affordable, AND stylish they have designed the worlds’ first Never Charge car called Aptera. That wasn’t a typo! The Never Charge car is so efficient that most people driving it won’t have to charge it. Talk about mind blowing!
Founders Steve Fambro and Chris Anthony believe that efficient transportation is the key to building a better future, and I couldn’t agree more. But how exactly did they create a car that requires no charge?
This groundbreaking accomplishment was done by combining an efficient electric engine with a lightweight, aerodynamic frame with solar panels on it giving it an extra 40 miles of driving each day. Just check out some of the specs on this car:
• It’s 3x more aerodynamic than a traditional electric car
• It’s half the weight of the average electric car
• It’s capable of a range of 1000 miles per charge
• And it’s 13x more aerodynamic than a pickup truck
As if the above reasons weren’t enough to sell you on Aptera Motors, here are a few more:
• Aptera has a composite passenger safety cell stronger than any other vehicle on the road today.
• It has an advanced CoPilot system that can help take the edge off of long road trips.
• On top of all of that it’s affordable due to its efficient manufacturing.
You get a fuel-efficient care that helps the environment, helps you, and has the potential to change the way we think about electric vehicles. What more could you ask for?
If you’re passionate about reducing your carbon footprint and share Aptera Motor’s vision of a more efficient form of transportation, then I recommend checking them out! Aptera Motors have committed to produce 10,000 unites by 2022 and 40,000 by 2024. Aptera Motor’s additive manufacturing will also allow them to scale production and launch new models faster.
You can learn more about revolutionizing the electric car industry and about Aptera Motors by clicking here.